I have a Supermicro server connected to two SONiC OS switches that are configured in Layer 2 Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation (L2 MC-LAG). The server is using LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) for redundancy and load balancing. The server's IPMI interface is configured to use the shared network port, meaning IPMI traffic flows over the same NICs that are part of the LACP bond.
I'm having issues connecting to the IPMI of this system and I suspect it is because of how LACP is load balancing the traffic between the primary and secondary NIC of the server. To my understanding Supermicro only allows shared port IPMI on the primary NIC of the system. Is there a way to force traffic destined for the IPMI MAC address to use the switch that is connected to the primary NIC of the server?
I've only recently picked up SONiC OS so I am not too familiar with all of the functionality that it has. AI has recommended setting static MAC entries and/or disabling MAC learning on the switch that is not connected to the IPMI port. I thought that those recommendations were interesting, but I was hesitant to try them. Not only where the recommended commands not even close, but I was also worried about effecting the availability of the server if I disabled MAC learning. For this setup the most important quality attribute is availability.
I am aware that I can use the dedicated IPMI port on a separate switch to circumvent this issue entirely, but if possible I'd like to use the shared port IPMI.