
mockito - How do I gracefully shutdown Apache Camel CamelSpringBootTest and avoid java.lang.InterruptedException - Stack Overflo


I have written an Apache Camel Spring Boot test with localstack mock AWS services to run an integration test for a Camel Spring project.

The route has a SQS listener that receives the SQS message, logs it and sends it to a direct component.

public void configure() throws Exception {
                .bean(sqsEventProcessor, "processSQSEvent" )

The test passes, but the test case does not end after that. It waits for 45 seconds and then initiates a hard shutdown and logs exception java.lang.InterruptedException: null.

The log says there are 2 inflight messages on the route, but I have checked that there is only one message sent and received.

2025-02-07T19:53:11.661-08:00  INFO 54200 --- [] [ - ShutdownTask] o.a.c.i.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy   : 
Waiting as there are still 2 inflight and pending exchanges to complete, timeout in 10 seconds. Inflights per route: [file-upload-route = 2]
2025-02-07T19:53:12.670-08:00  INFO 54200 --- [] [ - ShutdownTask] o.a.c.i.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy   : 
Waiting as there are still 2 inflight and pending exchanges to complete, timeout in 9 seconds. Inflights per route: [file-upload-route = 2]

Here is the test case:

@MockEndpoints("direct:processed-file") //mock the specified endpoint
@TestPropertySource(properties = "spring.lifecycle.timeout-per-shutdown-phase=5s")
public class FileUploadRouteSpringTest {

    private ProducerTemplate template;
    private MockEndpoint mockEndpoint; //inject the mock endpoint as a bean

    public void setUp() throws Exception {

    public void testReceive() throws Exception {

        template.sendBody("aws2-sqs://sqs-queue" + "&deleteAfterRead=true", "Hello");
        List<Exchange> exchanges = mockEndpoint.getReceivedExchanges();
        assertEquals(1, exchanges.size()); // Check if there is exactly one exchange message

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {

I tried camelContext.shutdown(); and also added timeout-per-shutdown-phase, still this error is logged.

  1. Why does the route show that there are 2 inflight messages, when I send only one message and it is processed?
  2. How can I end the test quicker without waiting, shutdown the Spring app gracefully and avoid the exception in the logs?




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