I'm trying to make the search for a house easier on myself by creating an Opera extension that will help me find listings that fit my specific description/requirements. I want it to generate a excel sheet with all the listings that fit with what i gave it.
This is the code i have right now:
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(() => {
console.log("House Listings Scraper Extension Installed");});
//Ensure proper service worker registration
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
// Handle saving listings as CSV file
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (message.action === "saveListings") {
const listings = message.data;
if (listings.length === 0) {
console.warn("No listings found to save.");
let csvContent = "Price,Address,Beds,Baths,Square Feet,Link\n";
listings.forEach(row => {
csvContent += `"${row.priceText}","${row.address}",${row.beds},${row.baths},"${row.sqft}","${row.link}"\n`;
const blob = new Blob([csvContent], { type: "text/csv" });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
url: url,
filename: "house_listings.csv",
saveAs: true
(function() {
function scrapeListings() {
let listings = [];
const allowedNeighborhoods = [
"queens village", "bella vista", "hawthorne", "society hill",
"washington square west", "center city east", "center city", "midtown village"
let listingElements;
let site = window.location.hostname;
if (site.includes("realtor")) {
listingElements = document.querySelectorAll('ponent_property-card');
} else if (site.includes("zillow")) {
listingElements = document.querySelectorAll('.property-card, .list-card-info');
} else if (site.includes("redfin")) {
listingElements = document.querySelectorAll('.HomeCardContainer, div[data-rf-test-name="homeCard"]');
} else {
console.error("Unsupported site:", site);
return [];
console.log(`Found ${listingElements.length} listings on ${site}`);
listingElements.forEach(listing => {
try {
let priceText = listing.querySelector('[data-rf-test-name="homecard-price"]')?.innerText ||
listing.querySelector('.price')?.innerText ||
listing.querySelector('.list-card-price')?.innerText || "";
let price = parseInt(priceText.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));
let address = listing.querySelector('.homeAddressV2')?.innerText.toLowerCase() ||
listing.querySelector('.list-card-addr')?.innerText.toLowerCase() ||
listing.querySelector('.address')?.innerText.toLowerCase() || "";
let beds = parseInt(
listing.querySelector('[data-rf-test-name="abp-beds"]')?.innerText.split(' ')[0] ||
listing.querySelector('.list-card-details li:nth-child(1)')?.innerText.split(' ')[0] ||
listing.querySelector('.property-meta-beds')?.innerText.split(' ')[0] || "0"
let baths = parseFloat(
listing.querySelector('[data-rf-test-name="abp-baths"]')?.innerText.split(' ')[0] ||
listing.querySelector('.list-card-details li:nth-child(2)')?.innerText.split(' ')[0] ||
listing.querySelector('.property-meta-baths')?.innerText.split(' ')[0] || "0"
let sqft = listing.querySelector('[data-rf-test-name="abp-sqFt"]')?.innerText ||
listing.querySelector('.list-card-details li:nth-child(3)')?.innerText ||
listing.querySelector('.property-meta-sqft')?.innerText || "N/A";
let link = listing.querySelector('a')?.href || "";
let inNeighborhood = allowedNeighborhoods.some(neighborhood => address.includes(neighborhood));
if (beds >= 3 && baths >= 2 && price < 700000 && inNeighborhood) {
listings.push({ priceText, address, beds, baths, sqft, link });
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error processing listing:", error, listing);
return listings;
let listings = scrapeListings();
console.log("Scraped Listings:", listings);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "saveListings", data: listings });})();
"manifest_version": 3,
"name": "House Listings Scraper",
"version": "1.0",
"permissions": ["activeTab", "tabs", "downloads"],
"host_permissions": ["https://*.realtor/*", "https://*.zillow/*", "https://*.redfin/*"],
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.js"
"action": {
"default_title": "Scrape Listings"
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["https://*.realtor/*", "https://*.zillow/*", "https://*.redfin/*"],
"js": ["content.js"]
it currently runs but doesn't find any listings when there are ones i can find manually.
I'm thinking that the error is in this section:
const allowedNeighborhoods = [
"queens village", "bella vista", "hawthorne", "society hill",
"washington square west", "center city east", "center city", "midtown village"
its possible that this is making it search for a listing in all of these neighborhoods at once, instead of searching through one after the other.