
android - Decrypt and verify the integrity token standard failed wrong number of segments in token - Stack Overflow


I have a problem for decrypt token from StandardIntegrityToken in Unity and back-end use Firebase function. Code in unity:

        public async UniTask<(string, string)> RequestIntegrityToken()
            return await PrepareIntegrityTokenAsync();

        private async UniTask<(string, string)> PrepareIntegrityTokenAsync()
            // Create an instance of a standard integrity manager.
            var standardIntegrityManager = new StandardIntegrityManager();

            // Request the token provider.
            var integrityTokenProviderOperation =
            new PrepareIntegrityTokenRequest(CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER));

            // Wait for PlayAsyncOperation to complete.
            await integrityTokenProviderOperation.ToUniTask();

            // Check the resulting error code.
            if (integrityTokenProviderOperation.Error != StandardIntegrityErrorCode.NoError)
                Debug.LogError("StandardIntegrityAsyncOperation failed with error: " +
                return (null, null);

            // Get the response.
            var integrityTokenProvider = integrityTokenProviderOperation.GetResult();
            string randomString = IntegrityTokenHelper.GenerateRandomString(20);
            string expectedRequestHash = IntegrityTokenHelper.GenerateRequestHash(randomString);

            var integrityTokenOperation = integrityTokenProvider.Request(new StandardIntegrityTokenRequest(expectedRequestHash));

            await integrityTokenOperation.ToUniTask();

            if (integrityTokenOperation.Error != StandardIntegrityErrorCode.NoError)
                return (null, null);

            // Get the response.
            var integrityToken = integrityTokenOperation.GetResult();
            return (integrityToken.Token, expectedRequestHash);

Code in firebase function:

const axios = require("axios");
const { OAuth2Client } = require("google-auth-library");
const auth = new OAuth2Client({
    keyFile: 'credentials/service-account-file.json',
    scopes: ['']
exports.verifyAndSaveData = onCall(
    { enforceAppCheck: true },
    async (request) => {
        if (!request.app) {
            return { success: false, banReason: "App check failed" };

        try {
            const token = request.data.token;
            const expectedRequestHash = request.data.expectedRequestHash;
            const userId = request.data.userId;

            const existingPlayerAuthData = await fetchPlayerAuthData(userId);
            if (existingPlayerAuthData && existingPlayerAuthData.is_banned) {
                return { success: false, banReason: existingPlayerAuthData.ban_reason };

            const client = await auth.getClient();
            const accessToken = await client.getAccessToken();

            const url = `/${expectedPackageName}:decodeIntegrityToken`;
            const response = await axios.post(
                { integrity_token: token },
                { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken.token}` } }

            if (!response.data) {
                return { iserror: true, success: false, banReason: "Decode Integrity Token Failed" };

            let isBanned = false;
            let banReason = "";

            const payload = response.data;
            const requestDetails = payload.requestDetails;
            const requestPackageName = requestDetails.requestPackageName;
            const requestHash = requestDetails.requestHash;
            const timestampMillis = requestDetails.timestampMillis;
            const currentTimestampMillis = Date.now();

            if (requestPackageName !== expectedPackageName
                || requestHash !== expectedRequestHash
                || currentTimestampMillis - timestampMillis > ALLOWED_WINDOW_MILLIS)
                isBanned = true;
                banReason = "Fake token integrity";
                const appIntegrity = payload.appIntegrity.appRecognitionVerdict;
                const deviceIntegrityArray = payload.deviceIntegrity.deviceRecognitionVerdict || [];
                const licensingVerdict = payload.accountDetails.licensingVerdict;

                if (appIntegrity !== "PLAY_INTEGRITY_VERDICT_OK") {
                    isBanned = true;
                    banReason = "App integrity check failed";

                if (deviceIntegrityArray.includes("MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY")) {
                    isBanned = true;
                    banReason = "Device integrity check failed";

                if (licensingVerdict !== "LICENSED") {
                    isBanned = true;
                    banReason = "App not licensed";

            const playerAuthRef = admin.firestore().collection("player_auth").doc(userId);
            if (existingPlayerAuthData) {
                await playerAuthRef.update({
                    is_banned: isBanned,
                    ban_reason: isBanned ? banReason : "",
                    lastChecked: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),

            if (isBanned) {
                return { success: false, banReason: existingPlayerAuthData.ban_reason };

            return { success: true, banReason: "" };
        } catch (error) {
            return { iserror: true, success: false, banReason: error.message };

I use documents from this source:

And I got the error:

Wrong number of segments in token: CtsCARCnMGsxYSAjH2rAlbYYJlUvq4CGkyb_M154Merg6GnC-wdTMcjSibJwOOerVlYtQ3kpiVZgwM2_rHYXDbvUxCfp9Uvh40Ie8L3Z7_S98ZH1c0_91OS-oECtcylE7kLkKtv53ibOfIKjKxYl_iBfdx1Ilq4bTJhQy2kFEJd8Q2lp-MQWuSyGgR6mmVVH4uKnixvjLQv8WU_Qmt8WiaajNtkkTBdxwQWVU0OlqE1SwqMLmnifdDPbfJvhMgaV7cIWWe5Q00qJZc3nSKmyST8_M_kFGm_G4FC4kWT1o_NrIAbgaSuFXGyWUTfL38UhFTGRg74p8psW3RRA5Do9hUDlImdcM-jICx1qtU11yE5afYZukrOAGklyAiUUUnbtNdp_yfyw--98NK5_wuKQj906t9iSQ0ni0DK5axN9oBfab3b4k9EvBw3lRkXk-DhgRaBZ-0RsJNHhlXGlXC4afgHMcfsFFjTZ8B79lFbwTjiFIU8RogAqvQEf2B9blQaF9uUWxP-AXjFNeXEgCYhFtAAb0ac7s5WGX3sifRjPf4vU7DddT1Y1613y4o9G-6dgGLKy2dFS4-irlo5c0rIyfQbumIlcB6Yfxx9oQhUIdmM8G8X0TRQVUMNl8JJHzg

It seems there is a problem with my token. Has anyone encountered this problem?
I try to use debug my code and get the error from my token send to api google.




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