
xcode - iOS BLE Peripheral Still Visible in Scanner When App is Backgrounded Without bluetooth-peripheral - Stack Overflow


I'm developing a BLE peripheral app using CoreBluetooth on iOS. My expectation is that when I do not include bluetooth-peripheral in Info.plist, my peripheral should stop advertising when the app moves to the background. However, despite removing bluetooth-peripheral, my peripheral still appears in a BLE scanner app (i.e. nRF Connect) even after backgrounding.

What I’ve Tried: Confirmed bluetooth-peripheral is NOT in Info.plist.
Restarted Bluetooth on the scanning device, but the peripheral still shows up.
Ensured that my peripheral is only advertising when CBPeripheralManager.state == .poweredOn.
Disconnected peripheral app from Xcode as Xcode provides unlimited background resources

Expected Behavior: When my app is in the foreground, my BLE peripheral should be visible in scanners. When my app moves to the background, my BLE peripheral should disappear from the scanner.




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