
typescript - Using Playwright, is it possible to loop over a test implementing a different fixture per loop? - Stack Overflow


I am trying to perform some API testing with Playwright. I have what I thought was a neat solution for handling different users, but now I am not so sure. For each user, I have a fixture:

import { APIRequestContext, test as baseTest } from '@playwright/test';
import { apiLogin } from 'apiLogin';

type ApiLoginFixtures = {
  Administrator: APIRequestContext;
  PowerUser: APIRequestContext;
  User: APIRequestContext;

export const test = baseTest.extend<ApiLoginFixtures>({
  Administrator: async ({}, use) => {
    const context = await apiLogin('ADMINISTRATOR');
    await use(context);
    await context.dispose();

  PowerUser: async ({}, use) => {
    const context = await apiLogin('POWERUSER');
    await use(context);
    await context.dispose();

  User: async ({}, use) => {
    const context = await apiLogin('USER');
    await use(context);
    await context.dispose();

I can then use these contexts in my test, e.g. await PowerUser.get('/some/endpoint');

That's great. However, I would like to write a single test that can be looped over, using all the different user types that I have. It would be great if I could do something like the following (but this does not work)...

// Fixture file
export const test = baseTest.extend<ApiLoginFixtures>({
  UserFixture: {} as APIRequestContext,

  Administrator: async ({}, use) => {
    const context = await apiLogin('ADMINISTRATOR');
    await use(context);
    await context.dispose();

  // [...] PowerUser, etc.
// Test file
let fixtures: {name: string, theFixture: APIRequestContext}[] = [];

test.beforeAll(async ({ Administrator, PowerUser }) => {
    {name: 'Administrator', theFixture: Administrator},
    {name: 'PowerUser', theFixture: PowerUser},

for (const {name, theFixture} of fixtures) {
  test.describe(`Test suite for some/endpoint`, async () => {
    test.use({UserFixture: theFixture});
    test(`GET some/endpoint as ${name}`, { tag: '@someTag' }, async ({ UserFixture }) => {
      const response = await UserFixture.get('/some/endpoint');

Are there any suggestions, or do I need to start over and rewrite the way I handle users and logins?




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