I am trying to get blog entries into a database with tags and attributes intact. Below, I configured HtmlSanitizer to allow certain elements and attributes. It seems to be working well, except that it strips the src attribute from images. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong:
require_once '../../project_core/vendor/autoload.php';
use Symfony\Component\HtmlSanitizer\HtmlSanitizer;
use Symfony\Component\HtmlSanitizer\HtmlSanitizerConfig;
// Allowed HTML elements and attributes
$allowedElements = array(
'div', 'p', 'br', 'strong', 'i', 'button', 'code', 'pre', 'em', 'a', 'ul', 'ol', 'li',
'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'img', 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'thead', 'tbody',
'tfoot', 'hr', 'span'
$config = (new HtmlSanitizerConfig())
->allowAttribute('href', 'a')
->allowAttribute('title', '*')
->allowAttribute('target', 'a')
->allowAttribute('src', 'img')
->allowAttribute('alt', 'img')
->allowAttribute('style', '*')
->allowAttribute('class', '*')
->allowAttribute('id', '*')
->allowAttribute('width', 'img')
->allowAttribute('height', 'img')
->allowAttribute('border', 'img')
->allowAttribute('cellspacing', 'table')
->allowAttribute('cellpadding', 'table')
->allowAttribute('colspan', 'td')
->allowAttribute('rowspan', 'td')
->allowAttribute('scope', 'th')
->allowAttribute('align', 'table', 'td', 'th')
->allowAttribute('valign', 'td', 'th')
->allowAttribute('lang', '*')
->allowAttribute('dir', '*')
->allowAttribute('type', '*')
->allowAttribute('value', '*')
->allowAttribute('name', '*')
->allowAttribute('placeholder', '*')
->allowAttribute('onclick', '*');
$postSanitizer = new HtmlSanitizer($config);