
netsuite - Trouble setting multiple recipients, cc, or bcc on Message Records using record.create() in Suitescript - Stack Overf


I am trying to create a message record for a bunch of contacts that are all receiving an email together.

I am using email.send() for the actual email but there is a limitation of only attaching one entity record per email.send().

To work around that I am trying to create a Message record for all the contacts to display all the data under their communication tab.

The issue I'm having is that I am unable to add more than one recipient to the message record.

This is what I am currently trying but I've also tried record.insertLine. I got this error both times. Any advice on where I'm going wrong?

You have attempted an invalid sublist or line item operation. You are either trying to access a field on a non-existent line or you are trying to add or remove lines from a static sublist."

 var messageRec = record.create ({
            type: record.Type.MESSAGE,
            isDynamic: true

            fieldId: 'subject',
            value: 'Test with CC'

            fieldId: 'author',
            value: 6863 

            fieldId: 'authoremail',
            value: '[email protected]'

            fieldId: 'recipient', 
             value: 9158  

            fieldId: 'recipientemail',
             value: '[email protected]'
            sublistId: 'otherrecipientslist',

            sublistId: 'otherrecipientslist',
            fieldId: 'email',
            value: '[email protected]'
            sublistId: 'otherrecipientslist',
            fieldId: 'cc',
            value: 'T'

            sublistId: 'otherrecipientslist'




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