I'm working on a Laravel project where I need to display player statistics for different periods (last day, last week, last month, and overall). The statistics are stored in a PlayerShip model, and I need to calculate the difference in statistics over these periods, as I have tables that will show stats for every individual player, it is basically the same 10-12 stats but the stats differ in periods when they were calculated, and that will of course always change but in my tables all the stats are the same. So, to sum: my tables have to show stats a player had: past week, past month, past day and overall.
The code is configured this way: I had migrations that formed a database structure for the table where this data is stored and where it is pulled from, there's an "updated_at" field which is a timestamp that gets renewed each time the method from the service code gets triggered.
The method fetches the data from the Wargaming's API and calculates the stats in the format I need. So that part is sorted, everything is okay, I just need to find a way as to how to differentiate between the periods.
How do I fetch actual stats that were in last week, last month, for last day and overall?
I tried using the "updated_at" but realised that will change literally everyday and refresh to a date which is newer than last 24 hours because there is a cron-job that runs this service code each day
Here's my service code,as I believe this is the only code you need.. the controller only forwards this to the view. The methods that I'm concerned about are:
- getPlayerStatsLastDay
- getPlayerStatsLastWeek
- getPlayerStatsLastMonth
- getPlayerStatsOverall
- getTopPlayersLastDay
- getTopPlayersLastWeek
- getTopPlayersLastMonth
- getTopPlayersOverall
Service code
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\ClanMember;
use App\Models\Player;
use App\Models\PlayerShip;
use App\Models\Ship;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class PlayerShipService
protected $apiKey;
protected $apiUrl = "/";
protected $expectedValues;
public function __construct()
$this->apiKey = config('services.wargaming.api_key');
public function loadExpectedValues()
$path = resource_path('expected_values.json');
if (!File::exists($path)) {
Log::error("Expected values file not found at: $path");
throw new \Exception("Expected values file not found");
$jsonContent = File::get($path);
$decodedData = json_decode($jsonContent, true);
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
Log::error("Invalid JSON in expected values file", [
'error' => json_last_error_msg(),
'path' => $path
throw new \Exception("Invalid JSON in expected values file");
$this->expectedValues = $decodedData;
private function calculateWN8($ship, $totalBattles, $totalFrags, $totalWins, $totalDamageDealt)
$shipId = $ship->ship_id; // Extract the ship_id from the model
//check if it's missing or empty
if (
!isset($this->expectedValues['data'][$shipId]) ||
) {
Log::warning("Expected values not found or empty for ship_id: $shipId");
return null;
//store expected values for each ship in a variable
$expected = $this->expectedValues['data'][$shipId];
//get final expected values by multiplying expected values with number of battles
$expectedDamage = $expected['average_damage_dealt'] * $totalBattles;
$expectedFrags = $expected['average_frags'] * $totalBattles;
$expectedWins = ($expected['win_rate'] / 100) * $totalBattles;
// Ratios
$rDmg = $expectedDamage > 0 ? $totalDamageDealt / $expectedDamage : 0;
$rFrags = $expectedFrags > 0 ? $totalFrags / $expectedFrags : 0;
$rWins = $expectedWins > 0 ? $totalWins / $expectedWins : 0;
// Normalize
$nDmg = max(0, ($rDmg - 0.4) / (1 - 0.4));
$nFrags = max(0, ($rFrags - 0.1) / (1 - 0.1));
$nWins = max(0, ($rWins - 0.7) / (1 - 0.7));
// WN8 formula
$wn8 = (700 * $nDmg) + (300 * $nFrags) + (150 * $nWins);
return $wn8;
public function totalPlayerWN8($playerId)
$playerShips = PlayerShip::where('account_id', $playerId)->get();
$total_weighted_wn8 = 0;
$total_battles = 0;
foreach ($playerShips as $playerShip) {
//condition: if there's battles played at all for that player
//and corresponding wn8 for the ship played
if ($playerShip->battles_played > 0 && $playerShip->wn8 !== null) {
//weighted by total battles to get the total
$total_weighted_wn8 += $playerShip->wn8 * $playerShip->battles_played;
$total_battles += $playerShip->battles_played;
$player_total_wn8 = $total_battles > 0 ? $total_weighted_wn8 / $total_battles : 0;
return $player_total_wn8;
private function determineCategoryWN8($wn8)
//simple if statement, if "value" eq "num" then return "x->value"
if ($wn8 == null) {
return 'Null';
if ($wn8 < 750) {
return 'Bad';
} elseif ($wn8 >= 750 && $wn8 < 1100) {
return 'Below Average';
} elseif ($wn8 >= 1100 && $wn8 < 1350) {
return 'Average';
} elseif ($wn8 >= 1350 && $wn8 < 1550) {
return 'Good';
} elseif ($wn8 >= 1550 && $wn8 < 1750) {
return 'Very Good';
} elseif ($wn8 >= 1750 && $wn8 < 2100) {
return 'Great';
} elseif ($wn8 >= 2100 && $wn8 < 2450) {
return 'Unicum';
} elseif ($wn8 >= 2450 && $wn8 < 9999) {
return 'Super Unicum';
private function extractBattleStats($stats, $battleType)
return [
'battles' => $stats[$battleType]['battles'] ?? 0,
'wins' => $stats[$battleType]['wins'] ?? 0,
'damage_dealt' => $stats[$battleType]['damage_dealt'] ?? 0,
'frags' => $stats[$battleType]['frags'] ?? 0,
'xp' => $stats[$battleType]['xp'] ?? 0,
'survived_battles' => $stats[$battleType]['survived_battles'] ?? 0,
'distance' => $stats[$battleType]['distance'] ?? 0,
public function getTopPlayersLast24Hours()
$last24Hours = now()->subDays(1);
return PlayerShip::select('account_id', DB::raw('MAX(player_name) as player_name'), DB::raw('MAX(total_player_wn8) as total_player_wn8'))
->where('ship_tier', '>', 5)
->where('battles_played', '>', 5)
->where('updated_at', '<=', $last24Hours)
->map(function ($player) {
return [
'name' => $player->player_name,
'wid' => $player->account_id,
'wn8' => $player->total_player_wn8,
public function getTopPlayersLast7Days()
$last7days = now()->subDays(7);
return PlayerShip::select('account_id', DB::raw('MAX(player_name) as player_name'), DB::raw('MAX(total_player_wn8) as total_player_wn8'))
->where('ship_tier', '>', 5)
->where('battles_played', '>', 30)
->where('updated_at', '<=', $last7days)
->map(function ($player) {
return [
'name' => $player->player_name,
'wid' => $player->account_id,
'wn8' => $player->total_player_wn8,
public function getTopPlayersLastMonth()
$lastMonth = now()->subDays(25);
return PlayerShip::select('account_id', DB::raw('MAX(player_name) as player_name'), DB::raw('MAX(total_player_wn8) as total_player_wn8'))
->where('ship_tier', '>', 5)
->where('battles_played', '>', 120)
->where('updated_at', '>=', $lastMonth)
->map(function ($player) {
return [
'name' => $player->player_name,
'wid' => $player->account_id,
'wn8' => $player->total_player_wn8,
public function getTopPlayersOverall()
$overall = now()->subDays(29);
return PlayerShip::select('account_id', DB::raw('MAX(player_name) as player_name'), DB::raw('MAX(total_player_wn8) as total_player_wn8'))
->where('ship_tier', '>', 5)
->where('battles_played', '>', 500)
->where('updated_at', '>=', $overall)
->map(function ($player) {
return [
'name' => $player->player_name,
'wid' => $player->account_id,
'wn8' => $player->total_player_wn8,
public function fetchAndStorePlayerShips()
Log::info('Starting fetchAndStorePlayerShips');
try {
$playerIds = ClanMember::pluck('account_id')->all();
Log::info("Data loaded", ['players_count' => count($playerIds)]);
foreach ($playerIds as $playerId) {
$response = Http::get($this->apiUrl, [
'application_id' => $this->apiKey,
'account_id' => $playerId,
'extra' => 'pve,club,pve_div2,pve_div3,pve_solo,pvp_solo,pvp_div2,pvp_div3,rank_solo,rank_div2,rank_div3'
if ($response->successful()) {
$data = $response->json();
$playerName = ClanMember::where('account_id', $playerId)->value('account_name');
if (isset($data['data'][$playerId])) {
foreach ($data['data'][$playerId] as $shipStats) {
// Find the ship using ship_id from the API
$ship = Ship::where('ship_id', $shipStats['ship_id'])->first();
if (!$ship) {
Log::warning("Ship not found in database", [
'api_ship_id' => $shipStats['ship_id'],
'player_id' => $playerId
//extract stats from ships table
$shipName = $ship->name;
$shipType = $ship->type;
$shipTier = $ship->tier;
$shipNation = $ship->nation;
// Extract statistics for different battle types
$pvpStats = [];
$pveStats = [];
$clubStats = [];
$rankStats = [];
if (isset($shipStats['pvp'])) {
$pvpStats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'pvp');
if (isset($shipStats['pvp_div2'])) {
$pvp2Stats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'pvp_div2');
if (isset($shipStats['pvp_div3'])) {
$pvp3Stats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'pvp_div3');
if (isset($shipStats['pve'])) {
$pveStats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'pve');
if (isset($shipStats['pve_solo'])) {
$pve_soloStats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'pve_solo');
if (isset($shipStats['pve_div2'])) {
$pve2Stats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'pve_div2');
if (isset($shipStats['pve_div3'])) {
$pve3Stats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'pve_div3');
if (isset($shipStats['club'])) {
$clubStats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'club');
if (isset($shipStats['rank_solo'])) {
$rankStats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'rank_solo');
if (isset($shipStats['rank_div2'])) {
$rank_div2Stats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'rank_solo');
if (isset($shipStats['rank_div3'])) {
$rank_div3Stats = $this->extractBattleStats($shipStats, 'rank_solo');
// Calculate total battles
$totalBattles = ($pvpStats['battles'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['battles'] ?? 0)
+ ($clubStats['battles'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['battles'] ?? 0)
+ ($rank_div2Stats['battles'] ?? 0) + ($rank_div3Stats['battles'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve_soloStats['battles'] ?? 0) + ($pve2Stats['battles'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve3Stats['battles'] ?? 0) + ($pvp2Stats['battles'] ?? 0)
+ ($pvp3Stats['battles'] ?? 0);
// Calculate total damage
$totalDamageDealt = ($pvpStats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0)
+ ($clubStats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0)
+ ($rank_div2Stats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0) + ($rank_div3Stats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve_soloStats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0) + ($pve2Stats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve3Stats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0) + ($pvp2Stats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0)
+ ($pvp3Stats['damage_dealt'] ?? 0);
$averageDamage = $totalBattles > 0 ? $totalDamageDealt / $totalBattles : 0;
//calculate total wins
$totalWins = ($pvpStats['wins'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['wins'] ?? 0)
+ ($clubStats['wins'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['wins'] ?? 0)
+ ($rank_div2Stats['wins'] ?? 0) + ($rank_div3Stats['wins'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve_soloStats['wins'] ?? 0) + ($pve2Stats['wins'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve3Stats['wins'] ?? 0) + ($pvp2Stats['wins'] ?? 0)
+ ($pvp3Stats['wins'] ?? 0);
//calculate total frags
$totalFrags = ($pvpStats['frags'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['frags'] ?? 0)
+ ($clubStats['frags'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['frags'] ?? 0)
+ ($rank_div2Stats['frags'] ?? 0) + ($rank_div3Stats['frags'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve_soloStats['frags'] ?? 0) + ($pve2Stats['frags'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve3Stats['frags'] ?? 0) + ($pvp2Stats['frags'] ?? 0)
+ ($pvp3Stats['frags'] ?? 0);
$totalXp = ($pvpStats['xp'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['xp'] ?? 0)
+ ($clubStats['xp'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['xp'] ?? 0)
+ ($rank_div2Stats['xp'] ?? 0) + ($rank_div3Stats['xp'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve_soloStats['xp'] ?? 0) + ($pve2Stats['xp'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve3Stats['xp'] ?? 0) + ($pvp2Stats['xp'] ?? 0)
+ ($pvp3Stats['xp'] ?? 0);
$totalCapture = ($pvpStats['capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($clubStats['capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($rank_div2Stats['capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($rank_div3Stats['capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve_soloStats['capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($pve2Stats['capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve3Stats['capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($pvp2Stats['capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($pvp3Stats['capture_points'] ?? 0);
$totalDefend = ($pvpStats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($clubStats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($rank_div2Stats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($rank_div3Stats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve_soloStats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($pve2Stats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve3Stats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0) + ($pvp2Stats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0)
+ ($pvp3Stats['dropped_capture_points'] ?? 0);
$totalSpotted = ($pvpStats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0)
+ ($clubStats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0)
+ ($rank_div2Stats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0) + ($rank_div3Stats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve_soloStats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0) + ($pve2Stats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0)
+ ($pve3Stats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0) + ($pvp2Stats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0)
+ ($pvp3Stats['ships_spotted'] ?? 0);
// Calculate survival rate
$totalSurvivedBattles = ($pvpStats['survived_battles'] ?? 0) + ($pveStats['survived_battles'] ?? 0) + ($clubStats['survived_battles'] ?? 0) + ($rankStats['survived_battles'] ?? 0);
$survivalRate = $totalBattles > 0 ? ($totalSurvivedBattles / $totalBattles) * 100 : 0;
$wn8 = $this->calculateWN8($ship, $totalBattles, $totalFrags, $totalWins, $totalDamageDealt);
$total_player_wn8 = $this->totalPlayerWN8($playerId);
//wn8 per type / category of a ship
$wn8_category = $this->determineCategoryWN8($wn8);
Log::info("Processing ship for player", [
'player_id' => $playerId,
'ship_id' => $ship->ship_id,
'ship_name' => $ship->name,
'ship_nation' => $ship->nation
'account_id' => $playerId,
'ship_id' => $shipStats['ship_id']
'player_name' => $playerName,
'battles_played' => $totalBattles,
'last_battle_time' => $shipStats['last_battle_time'],
'wins_count' => $totalWins,
'damage_dealt' => $totalDamageDealt,
'average_damage' => $averageDamage,
'frags' => $totalFrags,
'survival_rate' => $survivalRate,
'xp' => $totalXp,
'ship_name' => $shipName,
'ship_type' => $shipType,
'ship_tier' => $shipTier,
'ship_nation' => $shipNation,
'distance' => $shipStats['distance'],
'wn8' => $wn8,
'total_player_wn8' => $total_player_wn8,
'capture' => $totalCapture,
'defend' => $totalDefend,
'spotted' => $totalSpotted,
// PVE stats
'pve_battles' => $pveStats['battles'] ?? 0,
'pve_wins' => $pveStats['wins'] ?? 0,
'pve_frags' => $pveStats['frags'] ?? 0,
'pve_xp' => $pveStats['xp'] ?? 0,
'pve_survived_battles' => $pveStats['survived_battles'] ?? 0,
// PVP stats
'pvp_battles' => $pvpStats['battles'] ?? 0,
'pvp_wins' => $pvpStats['wins'] ?? 0,
'pvp_frags' => $pvpStats['frags'] ?? 0,
'pvp_xp' => $pvpStats['xp'] ?? 0,
'pvp_survived_battles' => $pvpStats['survived_battles'] ?? 0,
// Club stats
'club_battles' => $clubStats['battles'] ?? 0,
'club_wins' => $clubStats['wins'] ?? 0,
'club_frags' => $clubStats['frags'] ?? 0,
'club_xp' => $clubStats['xp'] ?? 0,
'club_survived_battles' => $clubStats['survived_battles'] ?? 0,
//Rank stats
'rank_battles' => $rankStats['battles'] ?? 0,
'rank_wins' => $rankStats['wins'] ?? 0,
'rank_frags' => $rankStats['frags'] ?? 0,
'rank_xp' => $rankStats['xp'] ?? 0,
'rank_survived_battles' => $rankStats['survived_battles'] ?? 0,
Log::info("Successfully updated/created player ship record", [
'player_id' => $playerId,
'ship_id' => $shipStats['ship_id'],
'nation' => $ship->nation
} else {
Log::error("Failed to fetch player ships", [
'account_id' => $playerId,
'status' => $response->status(),
'response' => $response->body()
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Log::error("Error in fetchAndStorePlayerShips", [
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString()
throw $e;
//get stats for each player, based on a period: 24, 7, 30, overall
public function getPlayerStatsLastDay($account_id)
$playerStatistics = PlayerShip::select(
'battles_played as battles',
'wins_count as wins',
'ship_tier as tier',
'survival_rate as survived',
'damage_dealt as damage',
'frags as frags',
'xp as xp',
'spotted as spotted',
'capture as capture',
'defend as defend',
'wn8 as wn8'
->where('account_id', $account_id)
->where('updated_at', '>=', now()->subDay())
return $playerStatistics ? $playerStatistics->toArray() : [];
public function getPlayerStatsLastWeek($account_id)
$playerStatistics = PlayerShip::select(
'battles_played as battles',
'wins_count as wins',
'ship_tier as tier',
'survival_rate as survived',
'damage_dealt as damage',
'frags as frags',
'xp as xp',
'spotted as spotted',
'capture as capture',
'defend as defend',
'wn8 as wn8'
->where('account_id', $account_id)
->where('updated_at', '>=', now()->subWeek())
return $playerStatistics ? $playerStatistics->toArray() : [];
public function getPlayerStatsLastMonth($account_id)
$playerStatistics = PlayerShip::select(
'battles_played as battles',
'wins_count as wins',
'ship_tier as tier',
'survival_rate as survived',
'damage_dealt as damage',
'frags as frags',
'xp as xp',
'spotted as spotted',
'capture as capture',
'defend as defend',
'wn8 as wn8'
->where('account_id', $account_id)
->where('updated_at', '>=', now()->subMonth())
return $playerStatistics ? $playerStatistics->toArray() : [];
public function getPlayerStatsOverall($account_id)
$playerStatistics = PlayerShip::select(
'battles_played as battles',
'wins_count as wins',
'ship_tier as tier',
'survival_rate as survived',
'damage_dealt as damage',
'frags as frags',
'xp as xp',
'spotted as spotted',
'capture as capture',
'defend as defend',
'wn8 as wn8'
->where('account_id', $account_id)
return $playerStatistics ? $playerStatistics->toArray() : [];
public function getPlayerVehicleData($account_id, $name)
$playerVehicles = PlayerShip::select(
'ship_nation as nation',
'ship_name as name',
'ship_tier as tier',
'battles_played as battles',
'frags as frags',
'damage_dealt as damage',
'wins_count as wins',
'wn8 as wn8'
->where('account_id', $account_id)
->where('player_name', $name)
->map(function ($vehicle) {
return [
'nation' => $vehicle->nation,
'name' => $vehicle->name,
'tier' => $vehicle->tier,
'battles' => $vehicle->battles,
'frags' => $vehicle->frags,
'damage' => $vehicle->damage,
'wins' => $vehicle->wins,
'wn8' => $vehicle->wn8,
if (!$playerVehicles) {
Log::warning("Player vehicle info not found", ['account_id' => $account_id, 'name' => $name]);
return [];
Log::info("Fetched vehicle for player $account_id", ['player vehicle data: ' => $playerVehicles]);
return $playerVehicles;