$conf, $time; $_uid = user_token_get_do(); empty($_uid) and user_token_clear(); // 退出登录 return $_uid; } // 用户 function user_token_get_do() { global $conf, $time, $ip, $useragent; $token = param($conf['cookie_pre'] . 'token'); if (empty($token)) return FALSE; $tokenkey = md5(xn_key()); $s = xn_decrypt($token, $tokenkey); if (empty($s)) return FALSE; $arr = explode("\t", $s); if (count($arr) != 5) return FALSE; list($_ip, $_time, $_uid, $_pwd, $ua_md5) = $arr; if (array_value($conf, 'login_ip') && $ip != $_ip) return FALSE; if (array_value($conf, 'login_ua') && md5($useragent) != $ua_md5) return FALSE; $_user = user_read($_uid); if (empty($_user)) return FALSE; if (array_value($conf, 'login_only') && $_user['login_date'] != $_time) return FALSE; // 密码是否被修改 if (md5($_user['password']) != $_pwd) return FALSE; return $_uid; } // 设置 token,防止 sid 过期后被删除 function user_token_set($uid) { global $conf, $time; if (empty($uid)) return ''; $token = user_token_gen($uid); setcookie($conf['cookie_pre'] . 'token', $token, $time + 86400000, $conf['cookie_path'], $conf['cookie_domain'], '', TRUE); return $token; } function user_token_clear() { global $conf, $time; setcookie($conf['cookie_pre'] . 'token', '', $time - 8640000, $conf['cookie_path'], $conf['cookie_domain'], '', TRUE); } function user_token_gen($uid) { global $conf, $time, $ip, $useragent; $key = 'user_token' . $uid; static $cache = array(); if (isset($cache[$key])) return $cache[$key]; $user = user_read($uid); $pwd = md5($user['password']); $ua_md5 = md5($useragent); $tokenkey = md5(xn_key()); $cache[$key] = xn_encrypt("$ip $time $uid $pwd $ua_md5", $tokenkey); return $cache[$key]; } // 前台登录验证 function user_login_check() { global $user; empty($user) and http_location(url('user-login')); } // 获取用户来路 function user_http_referer() { global $conf; $referer = param('referer'); // 优先从参数获取 | GET is priority empty($referer) and $referer = array_value($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER', ''); $referer = str_replace(array('\"', '"', '<', '>', ' ', '*', "\t", "\r", "\n"), '', $referer); // 干掉特殊字符 strip special chars if ( !preg_match('#^(http|https)://[\w\-=/\.]+/[\w\-=.%\#?]*$#is', $referer) || FALSE !== strpos($referer, url('user-login')) || FALSE !== strpos($referer, url('user-logout')) || FALSE !== strpos($referer, url('user-create')) || FALSE !== strpos($referer, url('user-setpw')) || FALSE !== strpos($referer, url('user-resetpw_complete')) ) { $referer = $conf['path']; } return $referer; } function user_auth_check($token) { global $time, $ip; $auth = param(2); $s = xn_decrypt($auth); empty($s) and message(-1, lang('decrypt_failed')); $arr = explode('-', $s); count($arr) != 4 and message(-1, lang('encrypt_failed')); list($_ip, $_time, $_uid, $_pwd) = $arr; $_user = user_read($_uid); empty($_user) and message(-1, lang('user_not_exists')); $time - $_time > 3600 and message(-1, lang('link_has_expired')); return $_user; } ?>f (!empty($uidarr)) { $uids = array(); $update = array(); foreach ($uidarr as $_uid => $n) { $uids[] = $_uid; $update[$_uid] = array('articles-' => $n); 'mysql' != $conf['cache']['type'] and cache_delete('user-' . $_uid); } user_big_update(array('uid' => $uids), $update); } !empty($operate_create) && function_exists('operate_big_insert') and operate_big_insert($operate_create); return TRUE; } // 大数据量容易超时 删除用户时使用,删除主题 回复 栏目统计 附件 全站统计 function well_thread_delete_all_by_uid($uid) { // 用户主题数 $user = user_read_cache($uid); set_time_limit(0); // 删除所有回复 if ($user['comments']) { $postist = comment_pid_find_by_uid($uid, 1, $user['comments'], FALSE); $pidarr = array(); foreach ($postist as $val) { $pidarr[] = $val['pid']; } unset($postist); !empty($pidarr) and comment_delete_by_pids($pidarr); } if ($user['articles']) { // 如果主题、附件和回复数量太大会超时 $tidlist = thread_tid_find_by_uid($uid, 1, $user['articles'], FALSE, 'tid', array('tid')); $tidarr = array(); foreach ($tidlist as $val) { $tidarr[] = $val['tid']; } unset($tidlist); !empty($tidarr) and well_thread_delete_all($tidarr); } return TRUE; } // 搜索标题 function well_thread_find_by_keyword($keyword, $d = NULL) { if (empty($keyword)) return NULL; $db = $_SERVER['db']; $d = $d ? $d : $db; if (!$d) return FALSE; $threadlist = db_sql_find("SELECT * FROM `{$d->tablepre}website_thread` WHERE subject LIKE '%$keyword%' LIMIT 60;", 'tid', $d); if ($threadlist) { $threadlist = arrlist_multisort($threadlist, 'tid', FALSE); foreach ($threadlist as &$thread) { well_thread_format($thread); // 关键词标色 //$thread['subject'] = comment_highlight_keyword($thread['subject'], $keyword); } } return $threadlist; } // 查找 最后评论 lastpid function well_thread_find_lastpid($tid) { $arr = comment_pid_read(array('tid' => $tid), array('pid' => -1), array('pid')); $lastpid = empty($arr) ? 0 : $arr['pid']; return $lastpid; } // 更新最后的 uid function well_thread_update_last($tid) { if (empty($tid)) return FALSE; $lastpid = well_thread_find_lastpid($tid); if (empty($lastpid)) return FALSE; $lastpost = comment_read($lastpid); if (empty($lastpost)) return FALSE; $r = well_thread_update($tid, array('lastuid' => $lastpost['uid'])); return $r; } function well_thread_maxid() { $n = db_maxid('website_thread', 'tid'); return $n; } // 主题状态 0:通过 1~9 审核:1待审核 10~19:10退稿 11逻辑删除 function well_thread_format(&$thread) { global $gid, $uid, $forumlist; $conf = _SERVER('conf'); if (empty($thread)) return; $thread['create_date_fmt'] = humandate($thread['create_date']); $thread['last_date_fmt'] = humandate($thread['last_date']); $thread['create_date_fmt_ymd'] = date('Y-m-d', $thread['create_date']); $thread['last_date_fmt_ymd'] = date('Y-m-d', $thread['last_date']); $user = user_read_cache($thread['uid']); $onlinelist = online_user_list_cache(); $user['online_status'] = isset($onlinelist[$user['uid']]) ? 1 : 0; $thread['username'] = $user['username']; $thread['user_avatar_url'] = array_value($user, 'avatar_url'); $thread['user'] = user_safe_info($user); unset($user); $forum = array_value($forumlist, $thread['fid']); $thread['forum_name'] = array_value($forum, 'name'); $thread['forum_url'] = array_value($forum, 'url'); if ($thread['last_date'] == $thread['create_date']) { $thread['last_date_fmt'] = ''; $thread['lastuid'] = 0; $thread['lastusername'] = ''; } else { $lastuser = $thread['lastuid'] ? user_read_cache($thread['lastuid']) : array(); $thread['lastusername'] = $thread['lastuid'] ? $lastuser['username'] : lang('guest'); $thread['lastuser'] = $thread['lastuid'] ? user_safe_info($lastuser) : array(); unset($lastuser); } $thread['url'] = url('read-' . $thread['tid'], '', FALSE); if ($conf['url_rewrite_on'] > 1) { !empty($forum['well_alias']) and $thread['url'] = url(urlencode($forum['well_alias'])."-$thread[create_date]a$thread[tid]", '', FALSE); } else { $thread['url'] = url("read-$thread[create_date]a$thread[tid]", '', FALSE); } $thread['user_url'] = url('user-' . $thread['uid']); $thread['sticky_class'] = ''; if ($thread['sticky'] > 0) { if (1 == $thread['sticky']) { $thread['sticky_class'] = 'success'; } elseif (2 == $thread['sticky']) { $thread['sticky_class'] = 'warning'; } elseif (3 == $thread['sticky']) { $thread['sticky_class'] = 'danger'; } } $nopic = view_path() . 'img/nopic.png'; if ($thread['icon']) { $attach_dir_save_rule = array_value($conf, 'attach_dir_save_rule', 'Ym'); $day = date($attach_dir_save_rule, $thread['icon']); $thread_format_icon_default = 1; if (1 == $thread_format_icon_default) { // 本地文件绝对路径 $destfile = $conf['upload_path'] . 'thumbnail/' . $day . '/' . $thread['uid'] . '_' . $thread['tid'] . '_' . $thread['icon'] . '.jpeg'; // 本地 $thread['icon_fmt'] = is_file($destfile) ? file_path($thread['attach_on']) . 'thumbnail/' . $day . '/' . $thread['uid'] . '_' . $thread['tid'] . '_' . $thread['icon'] . '.jpeg' : $nopic; if (1 == $conf['attach_on'] && 1 == $thread['attach_on']) { // 云储存 $thread['icon_fmt'] = file_path($thread['attach_on']) . 'thumbnail/' . $day . '/' . $thread['uid'] . '_' . $thread['tid'] . '_' . $thread['icon'] . '.jpeg'; } elseif (2 == $conf['attach_on'] && 2 == $thread['attach_on']) { // 图床 未上传成功 本地图片在的话使用本地,不在则默认 $thread['icon_fmt'] = $thread['image_url'] ? $thread['image_url'] : $thread['icon_fmt']; } } } else { $thread['icon_fmt'] = $nopic; } // 回复页面 $thread['pages'] = ceil($thread['posts'] / $conf['comment_pagesize']); $thread['tag_fmt'] = $thread['tag'] ? xn_json_decode($thread['tag']) : ''; // 权限判断 $thread['allowupdate'] = ($uid == $thread['uid']) || forum_access_mod($thread['fid'], $gid, 'allowupdate'); $thread['allowdelete'] = (group_access($gid, 'allowuserdelete') and $uid == $thread['uid']) || forum_access_mod($thread['fid'], $gid, 'allowdelete'); $thread['allowtop'] = forum_access_mod($thread['fid'], $gid, 'allowtop'); $thread = well_thread_safe_info($thread); } function well_thread_format_last_date(&$thread) { if ($thread['last_date'] != $thread['create_date']) { $thread['last_date_fmt'] = humandate($thread['last_date']); } else { $thread['create_date_fmt'] = humandate($thread['create_date']); } } // 对 $threadlist 权限过滤 function well_thread_list_access_filter(&$threadlist, $gid) { global $forumlist; if (empty($threadlist)) return NULL; foreach ($threadlist as $tid => $thread) { if (empty($forumlist[$thread['fid']]['accesson'])) continue; if ($thread['sticky'] > 0) continue; if (!forum_access_user($thread['fid'], $gid, 'allowread')) { unset($threadlist[$tid]); } } } function well_thread_safe_info($thread) { unset($thread['userip'], $thread['user']['threads'], $thread['user']['posts'], $thread['user']['credits'], $thread['user']['golds'], $thread['user']['money']); empty($thread['user']) || $thread['user'] = user_safe_info($thread['user']); return $thread; } // 过滤安全数据 function well_thread_filter(&$val) { unset($val['userip'], $val['fid'], $val['flagid'], $val['type'], $val['user'], $val['create_date']); } //------------------------ 其他方法 ------------------------ // 集合主题tid,统一拉取,避免多次查询thread表 function thread_unified_pull($arr) { global $gid, $fid; $stickylist = array_value($arr, 'stickylist', array()); $tidlist = array_value($arr, 'tidlist', array()); //$fid = array_value($arr, 'fid'); // 合并过滤空数组 //$tidlist = array_filter($stickylist + $tidlist); $tidarrlist = $tidlist = $stickylist + $tidlist; // 版块自定义 list($flaglist, $flagtids) = flag_thread_by_fid($fid); empty($flagtids) || $tidarrlist += $flagtids; unset($flagtids); // 在这之前合并所有二维数组 tid值为键/array('tid值' => tid值) $tidarr = empty($tidarrlist) ? array() : arrlist_values($tidarrlist, 'tid'); // 在这之前使用array_merge()前合并所有一维数组 tid/array(1,2,3) if (empty($tidarr)) return NULL; $tidarr = array_unique($tidarr); // 主题相关统一遍历后再归类 $arrlist = well_thread_find($tidarr, count($tidarr)); // 过滤没有权限访问的主题 / filter no permission thread well_thread_list_access_filter($arrlist, $gid); $threadlist = array(); foreach ($arrlist as $_tid => &$_thread) { $_thread = well_thread_safe_info($_thread); // 归类列表数据 isset($tidlist[$_thread['tid']]) and $threadlist[$_tid] = $_thread; // flag thread if (!empty($flaglist)) { foreach ($flaglist as $key => $val) { if (isset($val['tids']) && in_array($_thread['tid'], $val['tids'])) { $flaglist[$key]['list'][array_search($_thread['tid'], $val['tids'])] = $_thread; ksort($flaglist[$key]['list']); } } } } // 按之前tidlist排序 $threadlist = array2_sort_key($threadlist, $tidlist, 'tid'); unset($arrlist, $tidlist); $arr = array('threadlist' => $threadlist, 'flaglist' => $flaglist); return $arr; } // read.php 详情页其他主题调用,集合tid统一拉取数据,最后归类 function thread_other_pull($thread) { global $forumlist, $gid; $fid = array_value($thread, 'fid'); $forum = array_value($forumlist, $fid); if (empty($forum)) return NULL; //$tid = array_value($thread, 'tid'); //$tag_fmt = array_value($thread, 'tag_fmt'); $arrlist = array(); $tidlist = array(); // 版块自定义 list($flaglist, $flagtids) = flag_thread_by_fid($fid); empty($flagtids) || $tidlist += $flagtids; unset($flagtids); // 在这之前合并所有二维数组 tid值为键/array('tid值' => tid值) $tidarr = empty($tidlist) ? array() : arrlist_values($tidlist, 'tid'); // 在这之前使用array_merge()前合并所有一维数组 tid/array(1,2,3) if (empty($tidarr)) return NULL; $tidarr = array_unique($tidarr); // 主题相关统一遍历后再归类 $threadlist = well_thread_find($tidarr, count($tidarr)); // 过滤没有权限访问的主题 / filter no permission thread well_thread_list_access_filter($threadlist, $gid); foreach ($threadlist as &$_thread) { $_thread = well_thread_safe_info($_thread); // flag thread if (!empty($flaglist)) { foreach ($flaglist as $key => $val) { if (isset($val['tids']) && in_array($_thread['tid'], $val['tids'])) { $flaglist[$key]['list'][array_search($_thread['tid'], $val['tids'])] = $_thread; ksort($flaglist[$key]['list']); } } } } unset($threadlist); if (!empty($flaglist)) { foreach ($flaglist as &$val) { $i = 0; if (!isset($val['list'])) continue; foreach ($val['list'] as &$v) { ++$i; $v['i'] = $i; } } $arrlist['flaglist'] = $flaglist; unset($flaglist); } return $arrlist; } //--------------------------cache-------------------------- // 已格式化 从缓存中读取,避免重复从数据库取数据 function well_thread_read_cache($tid) { global $conf; $key = 'website_thread_' . $tid; static $cache = array(); // 用静态变量只能在当前 request 生命周期缓存,跨进程需要再加一层缓存:redis/memcached/xcache/apc if (isset($cache[$key])) return $cache[$key]; if ('mysql' == $conf['cache']['type']) { $r = well_thread_read($tid); } else { $r = cache_get($key); if (NULL === $r) { $r = well_thread_read($tid); $r and cache_set($key, $r, 1800); } } $cache[$key] = $r ? $r : NULL; return $cache[$key]; } ?>哪里可以下载正版的 Windows 系统镜像?

哪里可以下载正版的 Windows 系统镜像?


安装正版 Windows 系统是确保系统安全和稳定性的关键。本文将介绍几个可靠的渠道,帮助你下载正版的 Windows 系统镜像。

1. 微软官方渠道

1.1 Microsoft 官网

  • 网址:https://www.microsoft/software-download
  • 特点:微软官方提供的下载工具,支持下载最新版本的 Windows 10 和 Windows 11。
  • 步骤
    1. 访问上述网址。
    2. 选择需要的 Windows 版本。
    3. 下载“媒体创建工具”(Media Creation Tool)。
    4. 运行工具,选择“创建安装介质”并按照提示操作。

1.2 MSDN 订阅

  • 网址:https://msdn.microsoft
  • 特点:面向开发者和 IT 专业人士,提供正版 Windows 镜像下载。
  • 适用人群:MSDN 订阅用户。

2. 第三方可信渠道

2.1 TechBench by WZT

  • 网址:https://tb.rg-adguard
  • 特点:提供微软官方镜像的直接下载链接,支持多种语言和版本。
  • 步骤
    1. 访问上述网址。
    2. 选择产品类型(如 Windows)、版本和语言。
    3. 点击下载链接。

2.2 Heidoc

  • 网址:https://www.heidoc/joomla/technology-science/microsoft
  • 特点:提供 Windows 和 Office 的官方镜像下载链接。
  • 步骤
    1. 访问上述网址。
    2. 选择需要的 Windows 版本。
    3. 复制下载链接并使用下载工具下载。

3. OEM 厂商渠道

3.1 品牌官网

  • 特点:部分品牌(如 Dell、HP、Lenovo)会提供正版 Windows 镜像下载。
  • 步骤
    1. 访问品牌官网的支持页面。
    2. 输入设备型号,查找系统恢复镜像。
    3. 下载并按照说明安装。

3.2 恢复分区

  • 特点:部分品牌电脑内置恢复分区,可直接恢复系统。
  • 步骤
    1. 开机时按下特定快捷键(如 F11 或 F12)。
    2. 选择“恢复系统”选项。
    3. 按照提示操作。


  1. 验证镜像:下载后使用工具(如 HashTab)验证 SHA-1 或 SHA-256 值,确保镜像完整。
  2. 激活系统:下载正版镜像后,需使用正版密钥激活系统。
  3. 避免盗版:不要从不明来源下载镜像,以免感染恶意软件。




  1. 暂无评论