
xp系统迁移到固态硬盘_通过网络轻松传输,将XP迁移到Windows 7



If you get a new computer with Windows 7  and your current machine is running XP, the thought of transferring your files and settings can be quite daunting.  Microsoft has created a program called Windows Easy Transfer that is already included in Vista and can be download for XP and 2000.  Here we will take a look at the process of using it to transfer files and settings from an XP machine to the new Windows 7.

如果您有一台装有Windows 7的新计算机,而您当前的计算机运行的是XP,则传输文件和设置的想法可能会令人生畏。 微软已经创建了一个名为Windows Easy Transfer的程序,该程序已经包含在Vista中,并且可以在XP和2000上下载。在这里,我们将研究使用该程序将文件和设置从XP计算机传输到新Windows 7的过程。 。

Starting with the Windows 7 machine open the Start menu and go to Getting Started and under Tasks click “Transfer your files”.

从Windows 7计算机开始,打开“开始”菜单并转到“入门”,然后在“任务”下单击“传输文件”。

Click through the welcome screen and choose the method for transferring the data…in this demo we’ll use a network connection.


Next select that this is the new computer.


The next screen click on “I need to install it now”.


Choose a network or external drive to install the latest version of Easy Transfer.  If you use a flash drive a freshly formatted one is recommended as it installs Windows Easy Transfer like a portable app which runs directly from the drive.

选择网络或外部驱动器以安装最新版本的Easy Transfer。 如果您使用闪存驱动器,则建议您使用新格式化的闪存驱动器,因为它会像直接从该驱动器运行的便携式应用程序一样安装Windows Easy Transfer。

The next screen prompts you to go to the old computer, start up Easy Transfer and run through the wizard until you get a transfer key.

下一个屏幕会提示您转到旧计算机,启动Easy Transfer并通过向导运行,直到获得传输密钥。

Now on the XP machine run Easy Transfer from you flash drive.

现在,在XP计算机上,从您的闪存驱动器运行Easy Transfer。

A progress screen will be displayed while it starts up and produces the transfer key.


Enter in the transfer key from the old machine on the new Windows 7 and hit Next.

在新的Windows 7上从旧计算机输入传输密钥,然后单击下一步。

It will scan the old computer and determine what can and cannot be transferred over. 


When done you can select the general settings and files from all the accounts on the machine.


Click on Advanced to get a detailed explorer view so you can specifically select what to transfer over.  When you’ve decided what to transfer then click Save and then transfer it over.  The amount of time it takes will depend on how much you’re transferring, speed of the network, etc.

单击“高级”以获取详细的资源管理器视图,以便您可以专门选择要转移的内容。 确定要传输的内容后,请点击保存,然后再进行传输。 花费的时间将取决于您要传输的数量,网络的速度等。

When it is all complete you can view the transfer and program report which shows the files and settings transferred and also what programs are or are not compatible with Windows 7.

全部完成后,您可以查看传输和程序报告,其中显示了传输的文件和设置以及哪些程序与Windows 7兼容或不兼容。

To finish the process a Restart is required.


Windows Easy Transfer can be downloaded for XP and Windows 2000 from their site but you might want to use the process shown above as it supplies the latest version of Windows Easy Transfer.  We ran into a problem with running the downloaded version which was installed on XP and was not compatible with the Windows 7 version. 

可以从其站点下载适用于XP和Windows 2000的Windows Easy Transfer,但是您可能要使用上面显示的过程,因为它提供了Windows Easy Transfer的最新版本。 我们在运行安装在XP上且与Windows 7版本不兼容的下载版本时遇到了问题。

Not all programs and settings are going to transfer to your new OS but this definitely makes it easier to transfer compatible program settings, your files, folders and important documents.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/3157/migrate-xp-to-windows-7-with-easy-transfer-over-the-network/




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