在springboot项目中出现Consider defining a bean of type ‘xxx’ in your configuration.的原因,是因为无法识别相应的bean,无法完成注入。解决办法有:
Consider defining a bean of type 'xxx' in your configuration.
- 引用feignClient对象项目启动异常-Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.xxx.service.xxxRemote‘ in your configura
- 错误:Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.xii.eduservice.client.VodClient‘ in your configuration. 原因
- SpringBoot自动注入出现Consider defining a bean of type ‘xxx‘ in your configuration问题解决方案
- Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.XXX‘ in your configuration.
- Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.luyao.guyue_demo.dao.UserDAO‘ in your configuration.
- 关于mongodb配置多数据源及Consider defining a bean of type ‘XXXRepository‘ in your configuration.
- SpringBoot启动报循环依赖错误This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using
- Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.example.memberManagementSystem.interceptor.LoginInterceptor‘ i
- Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.xxx.webservice.MeetService‘ in your configuration.
- Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.product.client.ProductFeignClient‘ in your configuration.
- SpringBoot: Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.xxx.xxx.xxx.Dao‘ in your configuration.的解决方案
- Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.ecwid.consul.v1.ConsulRawClient‘ in yo
- Consider defining a bean of type ‘xxx‘ in your configuration问题的解决方案
- Action:Consider defining a bean of type ‘AdminPunishService‘ in your configuration. 解决办法
- Java--Action: Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.XX.dao.XXDao‘ in your configuration
- Consider defining a bean of type 'xxx' in your configuration.
- Business transaction type Opportunity Default is blocked for further business tr
- Field tagService in xxx.service.impl.ArticleServiceImpl required a bean of type ‘xxserviceTagService
- 笔记本电脑有蓝牙连接功能吗_type-c扩展坞问题汇总及解析(发热、Wi-Fi蓝牙锻炼、烧主板)...
- 第7章 IoC容器 V (Configuration) -- Spring4.3.8参考文档中文版
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