
windows驱动开发-vs2019-vs2022 WDK开发环境搭建



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好久不开发Windows驱动,现在又变天了,微软的工具更新的非常快,Visual Studio和WDK都发了新版本,推荐安装新版本,但如果非想安装老版本,也可以。Visual Studio 2022不支持Windows 11, version 21H2 WDK,必须下载最新的Windows 11, version 22H2 WDK,这个版本的WDK已经不支持Win7了,

Download the Windows Driver Kit (WDK)(最新)

按照提示,下载安装Visual Studio 2022,选择Desktop development with C++开发,在单个组件上安装,MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (Latest)和MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 Spectre-mitigated libs (Latest),默认下载缓存位于C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages,下一步安装SDK,按照提示下载最新版本的SDK独立安装,也可以从Visual Studio 2022上,选中安装,版本是10.0.22621.0,

Windows SDK

然后安装WDK,只能下载独立安装,无法通过Visual Studio 2022来安装,版本10.0.22621.382,SDK和WDK版本必须匹配,否则无法工作。

将 WDK 8.1 项目转换为 WDK 10

在 WDK 10 以前的 WDK 版本中,驱动程序解决方案始终需要包项目。 在 WDK 10 中,仅当你在驱动程序包中加入多个驱动程序时才需要包项目。 使用以下指南:

  • 如果解决方案中只有一个驱动程序且存在包项目,请将其删除。
  • 如果解决方案中有多个驱动程序,请确保解决方案包含包项目。 然后,对于解决方案中的每个驱动程序项目,打开项目属性并导航到“配置属性”>“驱动程序设置” 。 将“生成包” 设置为“否” 。 如果从命令行生成,请设置 /p:SupportsPackaging=false。


Other WDK downloads

Please review Hardware development kits for Windows 10, Version 2004 (10.19041.1), which addresses a bug with ExAllocatePoolZero.

Windows OEM HAL 扩展测试证书 2017 (仅测试)

允许您测试号TESTSIGNING引导配置选项处于启用状态的系统上使用的 HAL 扩展。此更新还提供了替代 Windows Phone OEM 2013 测试证书。


DebugView v4.90
(wdm.h) DbgPrintEx 函数

Standalone tools for debugging Windows XP and Windows Vista

If you’re debugging Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008 (or using one of these operating systems to run Debugging Tools for Windows), you need to use the Windows 7 release of the debugging tools. It’s included in the SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4.0.

  • Newer versions of the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable can cause issues when you install the SDK for Windows 7.
  • Get the standalone debugging tools for Windows XP by first downloading the Windows 7 SDK: Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4.(已下载GRMSDK_EN_DVD.iso
  • To install the Debugging Tools for Windows as a standalone component, start the SDK installer, and in the installation wizard, select Debugging Tools for Windows, and clear all other components.

Windows symbol packages

Microsoft public symbol server

最方便的方法是使用Microsoft public symbol server。


22.9.7: DriverVer set to a date in the future (postdated DriverVer not allowed) in virt2phys\virt2phys.inf.



Please review Hardware development kits for Windows 10, Version 2004 (10.19041.1), which addresses a bug with ExAllocatePoolZero.
Issue in ExAllocatePoolZero, ExAllocatePoolQuotaZero, and ExAllocatePoolPriorityZero functions FIXED!
Microsoft is aware of an issue with ExAllocatePoolZero that can lead to an allocation not getting zeroed on Windows 10, version 1909. This issue has been fixed in a security refresh of the WDK for Windows 10, version 2004 and the Enterprise WDK (EWDK) for Windows 10, version 2004 on December 16th, 2020. For information on downloading the latest WDK, see Download the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).
This routine is a wrapper for and a recommended replacement option for ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
ExAllocatePoolZero allocates pool memory of the specified type and returns a pointer to the allocated block. It is identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag except it zero initializes the allocated memory.



Driver Testing

Could not load test information.  Error: 未能加载文件或程序集“TaefTestParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35”或它的某一个依赖项。系统找不到指定的文件。.




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