






This tutorial only works with Jessie

如何安装HAP_Nodejs (不要安装在/root文件夹下面)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get remove nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
sudo wget .deb
dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
node -v
npm -v
git clone .git
cd HAP-NodeJS
sudo npm install -g node-gyp
sudo npm install node-persist
sudo npm install srp
sudo npm install mdns
sudo npm install ed25519
sudo npm install curve25519-n
sudo npm install debug
sudo npm install python-shell

cd accessories
sudo nano deskLamp_accessory.js
copy this into:


var PythonShell = require('python-shell');
// HomeKit types required
var types = require("./types.js")
var exports = module.exports ={};var execute = function(accessory,characteristic,value){ console.log("executed accessory:" + accessory + ", and characteristic: " + characteristic +", with value: " +  value +"."); }exports.accessory = {displayName: "desk Lamp",username: "1A:2B:3C:4D:1E:FF", #mac addressneeds to be uniquepincode: "031-45-154",services: [{sType: types.ACCESSORY_INFORMATION_STYPE,characteristics: [{cType:types.NAME_CTYPE,onUpdate:null,perms:["pr"],format: "string",initialValue: "desk Lamp", #initialValue needs to besame as displayNamesupportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Bla",designedMaxLength: 255   },{cType:types.MANUFACTURER_CTYPE,onUpdate:null,perms:["pr"],format: "string",initialValue: "Oltica",supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Bla",designedMaxLength: 255   },{cType:types.MODEL_CTYPE,onUpdate:null,perms:["pr"],format: "string",initialValue: "Rev-1",supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Bla",designedMaxLength: 255   },{cType:types.SERIAL_NUMBER_CTYPE,onUpdate:null,perms:["pr"],format: "string",initialValue: "A1S2NASF88EW",supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Bla",designedMaxLength: 255   },{cType:types.IDENTIFY_CTYPE,onUpdate:null,perms:["pw"],format: "bool",initialValue: false,supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Identify Accessory",designedMaxLength: 1   }]},{sType: types.LIGHTBULB_STYPE,characteristics: [{cType:types.NAME_CTYPE,onUpdate:null,perms:["pr"],format: "string",initialValue: "Light 1 Light Service",supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Bla",designedMaxLength: 255  },{cType:types.POWER_STATE_CTYPE,onUpdate:function(value){console.log("Change:",value);if(value) {PythonShell.run('/python/light1.py', function (err) {console.log('OnSuccess');});# light1.py is the python script you want to run when turningon the light}else {PythonShell.run('/python/light0.py',function (err) {console.log("OffSuccess");});# light0.py isthe python script you want to run when turning off the light}},perms:["pw","pr","ev"],format: "bool",initialValue: false,supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Turn On the Light",designedMaxLength: 1   },{cType:types.HUE_CTYPE,onUpdate:function(value) { console.log("Change:",value); execute("TestAccessory 1", "Light - Hue", value); },perms:["pw","pr","ev"],format: "int",initialValue: 0,supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Doesn’t actually adjust Hue of Light",designedMinValue: 0,designedMaxValue: 360,designedMinStep: 1,unit: "arcdegrees"},{cType:types.BRIGHTNESS_CTYPE,onUpdate:function(value) { console.log("Change:",value); execute("TestAccessory 1", "Light - Brightness", value); },perms:["pw","pr","ev"],format: "int",initialValue: 0,supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Doesn’t actually adjust Brightness ofLight",designedMinValue: 0,designedMaxValue: 100,designedMinStep: 1,unit: "%"},{cType:types.SATURATION_CTYPE,onUpdate:function(value) { console.log("Change:",value); execute("TestAccessory 1", "Light - Saturation", value); },perms:["pw","pr","ev"],format: "int",initialValue: 0,supportEvents: false,supportBonjour: false,manfDescription: "Doesn’t actually adjust Saturation ofLight",designedMinValue: 0,designedMaxValue: 100,designedMinStep: 1,unit: "%"}]}]

cd ..
mkdir python
cd python
nano light1.py

Copy this into:


import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(16, 1)

Save, and close the file


nano light0.py

Copy this into:


import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(16, 0)

Save, and close the file


Connect a led GND into one of the RPi GND pin. and connect the led "+" pin tho the RPi GPIO.16 pin. That’s the 8 pin in the outer line.


Test the python codes:


python light1.py 

(led should turn on)(led应该点亮)

python light0.py 

(led should turn off)(led应该熄灭)

If everything is ok, go back to HAP-NodeJS folder.


cd ..
npm rebuild
node Core.js

Now you can open you Homekit app, parsing it with your accessories!



(Let’ssay we want code.js to run automatically, then we need install forever.)

how to install forever on your Raspberry Pi.


Only install this if you are installing the HAP-NodeJS server

The first command you want to run is: 


The second command you want to run is: 

sudo npm install forever -g

That should complete the installation! Now, you can use the forever command wherever youneed it. Ensure you do use sudo or elseit won't work.

cd HAP-NodeJS
sudo forever start Core.js

Then it’s done


Start HAP on Reboot


Ensure your HAP-NodeJS directory is /home/pi/HAP-NodeJS


sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Now, you want to add the code before the "exit0" line. Add this line before "exit 0":

(在"exit 0"前面加上下面这段代码)

cd /home/pi/HAP-NodeJS
sudo forever start Core.js
Then you're ready to go!


参考链接:1.  点击打开链接

        2.  /?ALLSTEPS点击打开链接



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